Reply-My kind of weather

In reply to Jeremy...

Growing up in Essex, along the Thames, my kind of weather is generally what we experience in Autumn, or Fall in the USA.

Winds pick up and the days can get a little more overcast. Rain is abundant, clearing out the dust of Summer.

There is still a warmth during the day, though morning & evenings carry a crispness in the air.

Not cold enough that I need layers of thick coats & jumpers. But standing near a fire, or sipping on a hot drink, lets you feel the warmth seep through your body.

Moving to Ohio has only solidified my love of this weather. Here follows the same patterns as the UK. But both Summer & Winter can be taken to extremes.

And September has started to bring my kind of weather in. You can feel the nip in the air when I let the dogs out in the morning. Windows stay open most of the day. Neither AC or heating interrupt the sounds from outside.

Fingers crossed it lasts well in the Winter.