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Everything π·οΈ web
- A change is as good as a rest
- More things shutting down
- Blocked by YouTube
- More thoughts on a digital legacy
- Andy Bell has updated his CSS reset
- Molly Holzschlag died
- YouTube shame pop-up
- Moving hosts
- Unable to find a post about a CSS reset
- Goodbye UXPA Cleveland
- Reset the web, again
- Reply-The Webmentioning
- Project finished
- My blog in 2008
- Defensive CSS
- Adding bookmarks
- Against an Increasingly User-Hostile Web
- My Web Manifesto
- How to Favicon in 2021
- Launching GOV.UKβs new menu bar
- Doesn't have to be money driven
- Facebook/Meta announcement
- SlideShare shenanigans
- Unconscious IA
- This too will disappear when I die
- Amazon removes public wishlists from public view
- Abandoning the IndieWeb
- BBVA mess up Simple transfer
- An Event Apart, Spring Summit - Day one
- TikTok
- Leaving Twitter and Instagram
- Using iBroadcast for playing my music collection online
- YouTube errors
- Google is losing me, day by day
- Green across the board
- Is it an Application or a Web Site?
- Dangers for celebrities on Twitter
- Gary's 15 minutes of truth...
- I remember what the future was like...
- Ma.gnolia goes open source...
- It's all about sharing your content...