Listening report 2024

Last.FM has released their listening reports for 2024. Here's mine.

As I don't use any streaming services (Spotify, Apple, etc.) this is all music I own, played through Roon or Roon ARC.

This has a ton of great information about my listening. Apparently the first track I scrobbled (what Last.FM calls it when it captures a "listen") in 2024 was 'red-tail' by poemme.

Top artist was The Black Dog. No surprise there. I've been a fan for years, in 2024 I joined their Patreon, and they have been releasing a lot of new music.

Top album was 'Bothers & Sisters' by Steve Mason. A great album.

Top track was 'Somnium Part 1' by Robert Rich, but this is only because it's the first track in my "sleep" playlist. The second track was 'and the colour red' by Underworld. My real number one.

screenshot of graphs
Top artist by country or top album by decade.

Even for the free account, Last.FM have done a great job breaking down the data into things you can dive deep into.

Top tags, and when I listened most

One thing I noticed was the amount of new artists I listened to was down from last year.