Blogger import complete

Today has been melancholy for me. No particular reason, just was.

So I decided to take a break from the Xbox, YouTube, and RSS. Focusing on the blog instead.

I went through and pulled in all 21 posts from Blogger. This spans 2008-2009.

I did very little to them, tagging them all blogger, fixing a few markup issues, and adjusting image sizes from Flickr.

Doing this by hand (I'm not that technical) was...good. Relaxing, almost.

I even went through and added 301 redirects for the ones that did come over to a previous version, even though it seems Google has already scrubbed them from it's index.

no results for my URL search
Screenshot of Google SERP for an old URL

Even though this blog was a "fresh start" in 2019, I have slowly been adding posts from previous apps and services. I think 2025 may be when I try and add all the other posts from previous incarnations of this site.