Upcoming music I'm looking forward to

There's a few upcoming albums I'm really looking forward to getting.

Jon Hopkins

I've pre-ordered Jon Hopkin's new album 'Ritual' from Bandcamp. Big fan of all his work and this one sounds right up my alley.

a 41-minute electronic symphony built from cavernous subs, hypnotic drumming and transcendent melodic interplay.

Bandcamp description

The The

Ever since watching the album-length video for Infected on Channel 4, back in the 80's, I was hooked on Matt Johnson's songwriting.

'Ensoulment' is (according to the site) the first The The album in 25 years, which is crazy!

The 12-track album is out in September, but doesn't list digital as one of the formats it will be available in. Also it's not listed on their Bandcamp page. Push-comes-to-shove I'll order the CD after release.

The first single, Cognitive Dissident, is out with a video on YouTube.


Electronic band Seefeel released some seminal music in the 90's—'Climactic Phase #3' or 'Plainsong' anyone?

After a series of reissues and an album in 2011, 'Everything Squared' is the newest album. Again, pre-ordered on Bandcamp. I'm excited to see what they come out with after so many years.