I went alone to see Treasure today, knowing nothing about it.
A writer (Lena Dunham) takes her Father (Stephen Fry) on trip back to his home in Poland. A place he hasn't been to since surviving Holocaust. Though not a 'laugh-riot' there are some lighter moments to be had as Fry tries to navigate Dunham away from opening up old memories as they tour his homeland in the 90's.
As Dunham tries to get closer to her parents experiences during the war (in some slightly disturbing ways), she is also a fish-out-of-water navigating Poland post Glasnost. Fry seems to be sabotaging her efforts to connect, rather more interested in drinking and karaoke.
All comes to a head when a 'tour' of Auschwitz causes an outburst from Fry, having them return to the hotel.
A bittersweet film that doesn't really want to tackle heavy issues, but doesn't a good job hitting some of the emotional note (yes, I did cry).